engagement portraits

Rooftop Engagement in Roanoke, Virginia - Erika & Cameron

Rooftop Engagement in Roanoke, Virginia - Erika & Cameron

“We can all get knocked down and bad things can happen to anybody, no matter how high they might be riding at the time.” Cameron

“Thinking back at my life changing experience, I don't know how I would have survived it without him.” Erika

Getting to know who my couples are, goes way beyond knowing how they met and how he proposed. It is part of a process that goes way deeper. It’s about building a relationship, a trust. Only then they can truly feel comfortable during their engagement sessions and in front of my camera.

In home Engagement Portraits in Roanoke, Virginia - Katie & Sean

In home Engagement Portraits in Roanoke, Virginia - Katie & Sean

Like a lot of couples nowadays, Katie & Sean met on tinder. It was immediately a match.

Not long after, they were visiting some friends in Houston, Texas and they were having dinner at this unique restaurant called, One Fifth. When this restaurant first opened they were given the lease for only five years and the owner of the restaurant liked the challenge, so he decided to have a different theme each year. (That’s where the name One Fifth came from!) They open in September with a new theme, go through til the end of July, then close the restaurant to do renovations so they can present the new one again the next September.

When Katie & Sean were there the theme was “Romance Languages”, which was the perfect one for a proposal! Katie said “we sat down to eat, then right after Sean was ordering champagne to do a toast and then all at a sudden he was proposing!”

Field Engagement Session in Blacksburg, Virginia - Kimberly & Adam

Field Engagement Session in Blacksburg, Virginia - Kimberly & Adam

How they met:

Adam & Kimberly met while finishing their last semester at Virginia Tech in the Spring of 2016. Their first date happened to be on Valentines Day! They then graduated together in May of 2016 and both moved to Roanoke to start their new adventure together.